Upside Hosts: Small Business Lunch & Learn - 2025 Goal Setting + Planning
Join us for Lunch & Learn at Studio Upside on 1/28/2025 from 11-1! Our topic for this session is focused on everything goal setting for 2025. What exactly does that mean?
Do you ever enter a new year with your business and find yourself wanting to change everything or at least wanting to implement a lot of new things but not sure where to start? Do you find that you have a lot of new ideas but maybe as the days wear on, not a ton of time to dedicate to implementing them?
In this session we will be deep diving into finding specific goals for us and our business!
In this 2 hour session we're going to cover:
-A roadmap to understanding why goals and plans have to coincide and break down a way to hold ourselves accountable even when the to-do list navigates us away from the accountability
-We will be creating a goal based on lessons learned from our 2024 business season (if you're just starting, no worries, it will just be a new goal for you) and what needs to change or be tweaked.
-We will be creating a goal for ourselves as the business leader. This will either be something like, ways to work smarter, not harder. Avoid Burnout. Allocate where you need help, or finding a way to budget so that you can step away from pieces of your business that don't bring you joy or that you might be hindering it's growth and to bring in something that helps you along the way! This is a big one! A self-help goal!
-Lastly, we will be working on a BIG goal for our business. This might be your year-end growth goal, your client totals, or something new for your business, but it's supposed to scare the shit out of you for a reason but it needs to be on paper rather than in the sky or your "one day" goal.
-This will require your attention and some deep thinking ahead of our session as 2 hours won't even scratch the surface and this will require work after our time together. If you're not willing to come prepared with some time allocated before to think about some ideas, I'd say skip this session as I don't want you to leave unhappy.
Some things to think about prior to the session:
-Where do I want to be today in 2025?
-What needs to change with my business and myself as I show up for my business?
-What is something that I'd love to see happen this year for my business? Maybe its a new type of product, a new type of offering, a new type of client to bring in...
Check your imposter syndrome at the door and let's pack a lunch, meet some new friends and learn some tips & tricks to email marketing!
Upside is located at 3700 Osuna Rd. NE, Suite 611. This event will be on 1/28 from 11-1pm. Please note that if we don't have at least 8 in attendance we may reschedule for a different date (you will be refunded if that is the case).