Upside Hosts: Small Business Lunch & Learn - Brand Voice, Messaging + Strategy


Join us for Lunch & Learn at Studio Upside on 8/20 from 11-1!  Our topic for this session is focused on everything our brand messaging represents.  What exactly does that mean?

Have you ever wondered what your brand is saying to those who have just met it? Brand Voice + messaging is critical to understand for ourselves as business owners in order for us to properly convey our offerings to customers who are unfamiliar with our products and services. 

-When someone asks you about what you do, do you have  a different answer for every person you're in front of?

-Do you often find yourself struggling to come up with things to talk about through social media, at in person events or in general when "showing" your business to others?

-Do you feel like your business needs to sort through the what, why and where you go from here?

In this session we will be deep diving into finding the WHY behind our brand! It's my favorite offering yet!

In this 2 hour session we're going to cover:

-Your elevator pitch that is clear, concise and confident for your business billboard each no matter the setting

-Three focused pillars of your business that you can confidently convey and build your marketing plans from as your business grows

-Ways to step outside of the driver seat of your business to look at it from a different perspective and how you receive the information you are marketing

This session will give you a LOT to think about and work to do after our short session together as there is a lot of ground to cover.  It will allow you to take tools with you to maximize as much as you'd like for your brands footprint in your industry. 


Check your imposter syndrome at the door and let's pack a lunch, meet some new friends and learn some tips & tricks to email marketing!

Upside is located at 3700 Osuna Rd. NE, Suite 611. This event will be on 8/20 from 11-1pm.  Please note that if we don't have at least 8 in attendance we may reschedule for a different date (you will be refunded if that is the case).